Pepper Spray

  • How to use pepper spray

How To Use Pepper Spray (But Why You Probably Shouldn’t)

2022-06-15T13:24:57-05:00June 15th, 2022|Tags: , |

Despite being somewhat ineffective, pepper spray is one of the most popular less-than-lethal safety tools out there. While it won’t save your life, it can create an opportunity to escape or even to prepare a stronger defense. Unfortunately, not everyone knows how to use it properly, and not understanding the correct way to use something is almost as bad as not having it in the first place. Just like with a firearm, knife, or other self-defense tool, you need to know how to use pepper spray the right way if you want any chance to escape from an attacker.

  • pepper spray and dogs

Pepper Spray and Dogs: Does a Spray Work as a Defense Against Canine Threats?

2022-06-03T03:39:44-05:00May 27th, 2022|Tags: , |

There are a multitude of defensive scenarios that involve attacks not from humans, but from animals. Perhaps the most common among those are attacks carried out by aggressive dogs. Have you ever wondered how you could defend yourself against a canine attack? Pepper spray is often mentioned as a viable option, but does it really work?

  • Pepper spray

Pepper Spray: 10 Reasons NOT to Use It

2022-06-15T12:10:17-05:00May 13th, 2022|Tags: , |

Pepper spray is frequently recommended as a primary or secondary defensive tool. It’s easy to see why some people suggest it, considering pepper spray’s history and accessibility, especially for those not yet old enough to legally carry a firearm. However, if you’re thinking about adding pepper spray or a similar defensive spray to your self-defense toolbox, there are a multitude of reasons not to do so. Want to know more? Here’s our list of the top 10 reasons not to use pepper spray.

  • Pepper Spray vs. Mace

Pepper Spray vs. Mace What’s the Difference? Does It Even Matter?

2022-06-15T12:11:28-05:00May 12th, 2022|Tags: , |

“What’s the difference between pepper spray and Mace®?” is a fairly common question. It’s understandable, because there are many variations on defensive sprays: pepper spray, pepper gel, pepper foam, Mace, and OC spray, to name a few. Today, we’ll focus on the specific differences between pepper spray as a general product and the brand name product Mace.

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